Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Begining of Blogging

Let's hear a big cheer!!!!! Just kidding, but we have finally succumbed and decided that maybe between Kyle and myself we will be able to keep up with a blog. Ok, so now that we are officially in cyperspace I guess a little update would be a good way to start. The semi-short version of course. Kyle is currently going on residency interviews all over the place. I am retaking one of my board exams and hoping to still get into a program this year, but maybe not till next year. Ryan is keeping everyone young by being our comic relief and skinny from running around after him.

Now the next big announcement.......We are expecting another little boy in February, so I offically need a female dog or some other house pet to off set the testosterone:)

I think that is a good synopsis of life for now. Hopefully we do a good job of keeping up with posting at least on a semi-regular basis.
