Saturday, December 8, 2007

Yes I actually contribute!

I just got back from New Orleans and it was a good program, but Las Vegas is still number 1!!! I However, it was really exciting to interview at a program that has a fellowship in neonatology. Consequently we could be there for all 6 years of training that I have left. The downfall was we don't quite fit in as well with the residents there as we did in Vegas.

So to give a little more detail on the match process cause everyone is always asking. We rank the programs we like and the programs rank us. We can rank programs together as a couple or individually. Obviously we will rank them as a couple if we have both interviewed there. This way we make sure we end up at the same place. So the way the rank actually works is in our favor. That way a program only has to rank us in there available slots (# of residents they allow each year).

Well, I wish there was more going on in our lives than interviewing and stuff. Christmas is coming up and we are really excited. We are going back to AR for a week. However, on our way down, we are stopping in Des Moines for another interview. Well, hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Year. We'll let y'all know more about the programs as we find out.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Interviews are crazy

Ok, so I have some great news for myself. I had an interview at the University of Nevada Las Vegas for a residency position. This comes as really great news because I had to retake one of my board exams and am still waiting on the results to come back in. Kyle was interviewed there earlier in October and loved the place and I fell in love with it during my interview. So if you think of us in your prayers, please pray that God will put us where He wants us for residency, but Las Vegas would be really nice.

Other interview updates: Kyle is currently in New Orleans on his fifth interview of the season. He recieved a total of 12 offers, but wishes that he didn't have to take any more. For those of you that this sounds completely crazy to, let me give you a brief synopsis of getting into a residency program. You go on as many interviews as you can, then you rank all the programs in the order you would like to attend them, and the schools rank the candidates that they interview, then in March 2008 a really big computer assimilates all the information together to match people into the spots of their best interest. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing. :)

Hopefully I will remember to update this blog from home next time so that I can add on some new pictures as well. God bless!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Begining of Blogging

Let's hear a big cheer!!!!! Just kidding, but we have finally succumbed and decided that maybe between Kyle and myself we will be able to keep up with a blog. Ok, so now that we are officially in cyperspace I guess a little update would be a good way to start. The semi-short version of course. Kyle is currently going on residency interviews all over the place. I am retaking one of my board exams and hoping to still get into a program this year, but maybe not till next year. Ryan is keeping everyone young by being our comic relief and skinny from running around after him.

Now the next big announcement.......We are expecting another little boy in February, so I offically need a female dog or some other house pet to off set the testosterone:)

I think that is a good synopsis of life for now. Hopefully we do a good job of keeping up with posting at least on a semi-regular basis.
