So I just got back from Miriam and John's wedding not to along ago, and was once again reminded at how bad I am at keeping track of this blog. That made me go read Miriam's blog again, which I haven't done since she was picking out patterns for wedding dresses. So I thought maybe a little update would be nice, and always the hope that it won't be so long between posts.
It was great to get to hang out with Miriam and Ivory again for a few days and stay up late talking and talking and wishing that Amber were there to gab with us. But such are the consequences of being a grown up now.
As for my family, Ryan and Logan are growing like weeds. Of course I'm going to try to get pictures on my computer soon to upload, but I've been saying that for over a month now. Ryan just turned 2 on Sept. 1st and is such a sweet little boy. He is learning lots of new words and is very proud to be a big brother and watch out for Logan. Granted sometimes his playing is a lot rougher that I would prefer, Logan absolutely loves him and only cries with completely being squished or hit fairly hard. All the while I'm trying to mediate between them to help both understand what being gentle really means.
Kyle is loving his pediatric residency at the University of Toledo. It definitely takes a little getting used to when he has a month with 8 overnight calls in it, but we manage. I finally passed my boards!!!!!! So hopefully I will be joining him in the same program next year. Then life will really get crazy.
I recently started working for Community Tissue Services of Northwest Ohio as a Recovery Coordinator. Since that is probably helpful to no one, I coordinate the recovery of post-mortem bone, skin, tissue, and corneas for the use in transplant and other, mostly orthopedic, surgeries.
Well, I think that is a good update for now. Oh, yes! Have I mentioned how excited I am that Miriam now only lives 2 1/2 hours from me. Yipee!!!!!
Until next time, God Bless.